How to Accept Mpesa payments for website or mobile App
Start accepting Mpesa payments on your Website or Mobile app now. It has never been this easy. Follow the steps below to set up an Mpesa Payment gateway on your website or app:
- Apply for a Paybill number. This must be a C2B Paybill.
- Choose if you want too accept Mpesa payments via a C2B Mpesa payment gateway or a Lipa na Mpesa Mpesa gateway.
- Integrate your Website or Mobile app with your C2B Payment gateway.
- Complete your business logic so that the Mpesa payments done on your website or app end up completing the order or service successfully like other payment gateway payments.
Integrating your website with a C2B Mpesa paybill to accept Mpesa.
You need some technical knowledge in these steps:
- Register for an account to access Mpesa Web Portal. This is applied by sending a stamped letter to Mpesa Business team via email.
- They will give you an admin and a password to access the Mpesa portal.
- Create a developer account at, create an App and Go live.
- Using a programming language of your choice, write some code that gets information from the Safaricom Mpesa servers and completes the business logic on your website and saves the transactions to your server database table.
Choose your preferred Method of accepting Mpesa Payments
There are two major ways of accepting Mpesa payments.
- The normal C2B Mpesa payments.
- The Lina na Mpesa online Mpesa payments.
These two can be integrated using same C2B Paybill.
Only the mode of accepting Mpesa payment is what is different.
Accepting Mpesa payments using the normal C2B Method.
This is very easy.
You will need to integrate the C2B APi and display steps to make payments.
Users will simply follow the below steps:
Step 1: Go to Mpesa menu on your phone.
Step 2. Click LIPA NA MPESA.
Step 3. Click Paybill.
Step 4: Enter Business number as:
Step 5. Enter Account as: TEST
Step 6. Enter any amount you are comfortable testing with.
Step 7. Click OK.
Then, automatically, your server knows when a payment is made and completes their orders or does what is supposed to be done after a successful payment.
Accepting Mpesa payments using the Lina na Mpesa online (LMO) method.
This is what you hear being called Mpesa Express.
It is initiated through an Mpesa STK PUSH and a Call Back.
So here, to accept Mpesa Payments via this method, you need to integrate the Mpesa Express API.
Users will Click to pay, choose Mpesa method and a popup appears on their phone with all company and account to be paid and a field to enter their PIN.
When they enter PIN and Click OK, Mpesa processes the rest and your business logic continues.
To get ready solutions to Integrate your website with Mpesa, check our Mpesa API integrations assistant. This requires minimal technical skills and we can help you implement Mpesa payments within minutes.